graphic design

Likelihood of confusion due to ‘powerword’ ? – Gourmet

Likelihood of confusion due to ‘powerword’ ? – Gourmet

Signs that use the term ‘gourmet’ are very popular in relation to food products, not least because they indicate a higher-quality item. However, as an EU trademark, these signs have already been refused 50 times – because they are classed as advertising material only. They praise one’s own products, but they do not indicate the product’s origin as coming from a specific company.

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Deception by registered trademark symbol ® – grill master

Deception by registered trademark symbol ® – grill master

A caterer had the idea of registering ‘grill meister’ [‘grill master’] as a brand for his barbecue and beer products, as well as for his catering. He gave his brand a simple design and as a special feature the registered trademark symbol ®. However, the caterer was very surprised when the Federal Court of Justice certified his trade mark as not only being unable to be protected, but also deceptive.

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Likelihood of confusion for premium brand – BLACK LABEL

Likelihood of confusion for premium brand – BLACK LABEL

Your trade marks should not, if possible, share similarities with earlier signs. The Court of Justice of the European Union now has set a high benchmark in this regard. They must be strictly observed, otherwise your trade marks may be in great danger and you may inadvertently become an infringer who will be obliged to pay damages.

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