
Deception from GM label? – Without genetic engineering

Deception from GM label? – Without genetic engineering

Consumers should be able to tell immediately whether the food they are eating is genetically modified. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture has therefore developed a dedicated GMO-free label, intended to identify the products bearing it as GMO-free. In the meantime, every fifth litre of milk from Bavaria is labelled as being ‘without genetic engineering’. But is the seal, as a trademark, protectable or not? Could it potentially deceive the consumer?

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Deception by registered trademark symbol ® – grill master

Deception by registered trademark symbol ® – grill master

A caterer had the idea of registering ‘grill meister’ [‘grill master’] as a brand for his barbecue and beer products, as well as for his catering. He gave his brand a simple design and as a special feature the registered trademark symbol ®. However, the caterer was very surprised when the Federal Court of Justice certified his trade mark as not only being unable to be protected, but also deceptive.

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